By michael vivar

Make Meal Prep Easy With These 8 Kitchen Tools

"Mise en place" is a term used in restaurant kitchens that means, "put in place." Everything is at arms-length to streamline cooking.

The concept applies in a home kitchen. Here are tools to improve your mise en place when prepping meals. If the mundane is made easy, you'll be more culinarily adventurous.

Everyone loves to use fresh produce. There are instances where time is of the essence and canned will have to do. Manual and electric openers are indispensable.

Can Opener

Accuracy is especially crucial in baking. When getting measuring cups, consider glass. Their lack of give as opposed to plastics prevents ingredient amount variation.

Measuring Implements

Why keep several graters when one multipurpose tool will suffice? An ideal model will have elements that grate cheese, zest citrus and more.

Multi-Purpose Grater

It's not just for coffee. This is also the perfect gadget to finely grind dried spices and nuts. Be sure to clean thoroughly between uses so flavors don't adulterate.

Coffee Grinder

Whether the fruit is woody or overly ripe, this ergonomic implement will de-pit and de-husk an avocado in seconds

Avocado Peeler/Slicer

It can be risky deboning poultry with a knife alone. These will easily cut through stubborn joints and tendons. A pair of scissors is also just generally a good thing in the kitchen.

Poultry Scissors

No need to pore over a cutting board then worry about a strong odor greeting guests. This will mash several cloves of garlic at a time and unleash the allium flavor.

Garlic Press

This is a home cook's best friend. It'll be used for everything from slicing meat to chopping vegetables. All knives need to be kept sharp for ease of use and safety.

Chef's Knife

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