Hot Alcoholic Drinks for a Chilly Day


Each of these hot drinks is perfect for warming up on cold days, offering a balance of comfort and flavor with just the right amount of alcohol.

Hot Toddy

With its warm, soothing blend of whiskey, honey, lemon and spices, this is a comforting and delicious drink.

Hot Toddy

Mix 1-2 oz whiskey, 1 tbsp honey and juice from half a lemon in a mug. Fill with hot water and stir.

Spiked Hot Chocolate

Spiked Hot Chocolate combines the comfort of creamy hot cocoa with the warmth of spirits like whiskey, rum or Baileys. It’s a cozy, dessert-like treat.

Spiked Hot Chocolate

Make hot cocoa, then stir in 1-2 oz of your chosen spirit (rum, Baileys, or whiskey work well). Top with whipped cream or marshmallows.

Hot Buttered Rum

Rich and creamy, Hot Buttered Rum is a decadent choice that blends butter, spices and dark liquor.

Hot Buttered Rum

Combine 2 oz dark rum with 1 tsp butter, 1 tbsp brown sugar and a pinch of cinnamon and nutmeg. Fill with hot water and stir until smooth.

Mulled Wine

A festive favorite, mulled wine blends red wine with warming spices like cinnamon, cloves and orange zest.

Mulled Wine

Simmer a bottle of red wine with a cinnamon stick, cloves, orange slices and 2 tbsp sugar. Don’t boil – heat gently for 15 minutes before serving.

 Irish Coffee

This coffee-based cocktail combines the rich flavors of whiskey and coffee, topped with lightly whipped cream. It's an indulgent after-dinner treat or a cozy winter warmer.

 Irish Coffee

Brew strong coffee, then add 1 oz Irish whiskey and 1 tsp brown sugar. Stir until dissolved, then gently float whipped cream on top.

Keep warm this fall with these recipes!