Hosting a gathering, whether it’s an intimate dinner party or a weekend-long extravagant event, can be a great experience, but it also comes with its fair share of stress. Between cooking, cleaning, and making sure everyone’s having a good time, the host usually has their hands full. As someone’s house guest, you never want to be one more thing to worry about. This is why being a good guest is just as important as being a good host. So, what are the unspoken rules of guest etiquette? Here are 13 tips to ensure you’re on everyone’s guest list.
1. Respect the RSVP Rules
Imagine sending out invitations, only to be met with radio silence. A prompt RSVP not only shows respect for your host’s planning efforts but also helps them prepare for everyone’s arrival. Don’t leave them hanging! If you’re a maybe, let them know as soon as you decide. “Fashionably late” RSVPs shouldn’t be a thing.
2. Bring a Thoughtful Gift
While this can depend on the individual and the nature of the event, showing up empty-handed is usually not a great idea. A small token of appreciation goes a long way in expressing gratitude. Whether it’s a bottle of wine, a bouquet of flowers, or a homemade treat, your host will appreciate the gesture. Bonus points if it’s something they can enjoy after the guests have gone home and the dishes are done.
3. Arrive on Time
Everyone has that one friend who always seems to be on their own timeline and you don’t want it to be you. Remember, arriving too early can be as troublesome as being late. Give your host the time they need to prepare without the added pressure of entertaining you beforehand. And if you’re running late, a quick text to inform your host is the polite thing to do.
4. Engage With Everyone
It’s easy to stick with people you know at a gathering, but part of being a good guest is making an effort to engage with everyone. Introduce yourself to strangers, strike up conversations, and be inclusive. Your host will feel less pressure to mediate and be the glue that holds everyone together.
5. Respect the House Rules
Every household has its own set of rules and norms. Pay attention to any cues your host gives about house rules, whether it’s taking off shoes at the door, refraining from smoking indoors, or keeping noise levels down.
6. Don’t Over-Indulge
While it’s tempting to dive into the free-flowing wine or cocktails, it’s important to know your limits! Overindulgence can lead to embarrassing situations or extra cleanup for your host. Enjoy the offerings, but it doesn’t hurt to pace yourself. Trust us, no one wants to be the reason the party took a turn for the worse.
7. Offer To Help
A good guest always offers to lend a hand. Whether it’s setting the table, serving food, or cleaning up afterward, your host will appreciate the assistance.
8. Mind Your Manners
Basic manners go a long way in making a good impression. Use polite language, avoid interrupting others, and listen actively during conversations. Remember to say “please” and “thank you,” and compliment the host on their efforts.
9. Avoid Controversial Topics
While lively debates can be fun, it’s best to steer clear of controversial topics like politics, religion, or anything too personal, especially if you’re unfamiliar with the group. You don’t want to inadvertently create tension or discomfort. Instead, focus on thoughtful and inclusive subjects that keep the conversation enjoyable for everyone.
10. Be Mindful of Your Phone Usage
Constantly checking your phone or engaging in lengthy text conversations can come across as rude. Be present and engaged with the people around you. If you must take a call or respond to a message, excuse yourself and handle it discreetly.
11. Know When To Leave
As the saying goes, “Leave while you’re still having fun.” Be mindful of the time and the cues from your host. If they start yawning, cleaning up, or hinting that it’s getting late, take the hint and make your exit. A graceful departure ensures that you’re remembered as a considerate guest.
12. Send a ‘Thank You’ Note
After the event, a thank-you note (or even a thoughtful text message) goes a long way in expressing your appreciation. It’s a simple yet meaningful gesture that shows your gratitude for the effort your host put into making the event enjoyable. Mention specific highlights you enjoyed to make it more personal.
13. Return The Favor
One of the best ways to show your appreciation is by returning the favor. Invite your host over for a meal or a gathering at your place.
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