8 Ideas for Eco-Friendly Decluttering - Home & Texture
Declutter Unwanted Items

Decluttering? Here Are 8 Eco-Friendly Ways To Get Rid of Any Unwanted Items

Reduce your household clutter while doing something good for the environment.

May 23, 2024 at 6:13 AM PST
Declutter Unwanted Items

Decluttering? Here Are 8 Eco-Friendly Ways To Get Rid of Any Unwanted Items

Reduce your household clutter while doing something good for the environment.

May 23, 2024 at 6:13 AM PST

We’ve all been there: surrounded by items we no longer need, don’t want, or can’t even remember acquiring. Whether it’s the souvenir snow globe from a long-forgotten trip, the sweater your great aunt knitted that’s three sizes too big, or the ever-multiplying collection of mismatched coffee mugs, these unwanted items can clutter not just your physical surroundings but your minds, too. Tossing it is easy, but, if you’re eco-conscious, you might be wondering if there’s another way. Here are a few tips for decluttering and keeping things eco-friendly.

1. Host a swapping party.

Why not turn your decluttering mission into a fun social event? Hosting a swap party is the perfect way to get rid of items you no longer need while picking up something you might actually want. Invite your friends, neighbors, and that one coworker who always has the coolest accessories. Ask everyone to bring items they’re ready to part with—clothes, books, gadgets, and more.

Set up a space in your home (or backyard if the weather’s nice) where people can display their items, almost like a mini-garage sale.
Make it a true event with snacks, drinks, and a playlist that’ll keep the vibes high. Anything left over can be donated to a local charity. You get a decluttered home, a fun afternoon with friends, and the warm fuzzy feeling of doing something good.

Photo credit: Westend61

2. Donate with a purpose.

Speaking of donating, one of the easiest and most impactful ways to dispose of unwanted items is to donate them. But don’t just dump everything at the nearest charity shop. Think about where your items could make the most difference. Old blankets and towels? Animal shelters are always in need. That unused office furniture? A local school or community center might love it. Clothes in good condition? Women’s shelters and veteran organizations are fantastic places to start.

Research local charities and see what they need most. This way, you make sure your items go to those who will truly benefit from them, and you get the added bonus of supporting your community.

3. Sell and make some green.

Why not turn your unwanted items into a little extra cash? Thanks to online marketplaces, selling second-hand items has never been easier. Platforms like eBay, Facebook Marketplace, Poshmark, and even Instagram can help you find a new home for your belongings. Make sure to take good-quality photos and write detailed descriptions to attract buyers. And hey, who knows, you might discover a hidden talent for online retail.

4. Upcycle and get creative.

Before you throw out that old dresser or those chipped teacups, consider the art of upcycling. It’s all about transforming unwanted items into something new and fabulous. An old ladder can become a chic bookshelf. That pile of mismatched buttons could be the medium for a unique piece of wall art. There are endless tutorials and ideas online to get you started.

Photo credit: Westend61

5. Recycle responsibly.

Recycling is the foundation of eco-friendly living, but it’s important to do it right. Make sure to follow your local recycling guidelines to ensure your items are processed correctly. Many areas offer specialized recycling programs for electronics, batteries, and even clothing.

For example, those old electronics gathering dust? Best Buy has a fantastic recycling program. For worn-out shoes, brands like Nike have recycling initiatives to turn old footwear into new products. Look up the recycling options available in your area and make sure your items end up in the right place.

6. Repurpose for the garden.

If you have a green thumb, or at least a growing interest in having one, repurposing unwanted items for your garden can be a win-win. Old tires can be transformed into quirky planters. That broken dresser can be transformed into a unique and stylish garden tool organizer. Even broken pots can find new life as a drainage material for other planters.

7. Offer to friends and family.

Sometimes, the best place to find a new home for your items is within your own social circle. Before you throw anything out, ask around to see if friends or family members might need it. That outgrown children’s clothing might be perfect for a friend with a younger kid. Extra kitchen gadgets could also be a lifesaver for someone just setting up their first apartment. Plus, you’ll be surprised how often people in your life will be grateful for the things you no longer need.

8. Get crafty with compost.

For organic waste, composting is a fantastic eco-friendly option. If you have a garden, setting up a compost bin is easy and highly beneficial. Food scraps, yard waste, and even certain types of paper can all be composted. It’s a great way to reduce your household waste and create nutrient-rich compost that can help your garden thrive at the same time. Plus, it’s a great way to get the whole family involved in sustainable living.



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