The summer brings with it a host of new opportunities previously stunted by winter chills. Patio seating is the new standard, rooftops are having their main-character moment and there is no shortage of seasonal ice-based fruit beverages. On the other hand, however, it can also exacerbate the appearance or severity of certain skin conditions, including folliculitis, eczema and dry skin.
Recently, organic bedding has been touted as a hail mary of sorts for sensitive skin, but is it really the answer to all of your skincare woes?
To better understand the role our bedding plays in the quality of our skin and learn if organic bedding is worth the swap, read on.
What is organic bedding?
Organic bedding refers to any bedding made without the treatment of any chemicals, such as pesticides and flame retardants which can be comprised of a host of harmful chemicals including carcinogens and endocrine disrupters.
What is organic bedding made from?
Since organic bedding can refer to bedding made from any natural materials, there are a lot of options in terms of materials. Some common fibers included are:
- Flax
- Bamboo
- Hemp
- Cotton
How can bedding impact your skin?
Your unique skin concerns will heavily influence how your bedding interacts with your skin. For those with very sensitive skin, natural and organic bedding is probably worth the venture, as the fewer irritants, the better. Coarse and synthetic fibers can also have adverse effects on your skin as they can act as irritants, especially for those with sensitive skin, so it is important to keep that in mind while picking out bedding.
Organic bedding will not “fix” all of your skincare woes.
Natural fibers are a great starting point when it comes to catering to the unique needs of sensitive skin, but that is truly just the beginning. Just like your clothing, towels and anything else that comes in consistent contact with your skin, the method in which you wash your comforters can have a much more prominent impact on your skin and any potential irritation. If you use a heavily fragranced detergent, then you may still face some sort of irritation regardless of the fabric makeup of your bedding.
Organic bedding can also help with non-skin-related ailments.
For those with asthma or breathing difficulties, organic bedding may be the best bet since it likely doesn’t contain the same preservatives and potential toxins found in more traditional bedding.
There is nothing wrong with wanting to upgrade your current bedding. If you are currently not experiencing any adverse reactions to your bedding, though, and your skin is still thriving in the summer months. you likely do not need to switch to organic bedding unless you are in the market for a new bed set already.
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