12 Feng Shui Bedroom Rules to Help You Sleep Better - Home and Texture
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12 Feng Shui Bedroom Rules to Help You Sleep Better

June 14, 2023 at 10:05 PM PST

Your good people at Home & Texture are here to remind you that a good night’s rest is key to unlocking the best version of yourself! This article is brought to you by Volvo Cars.

A good night’s sleep is essential for our overall well-being and productivity. If you find yourself constantly tossing and turning, it may be time to explore the ancient Chinese practice of feng shui. Feng shui involves arranging the elements within your living space to achieve a harmonious balance with the natural world. Its purpose is to tap into the energy forces and create a sense of harmony between you and your surroundings.

When you feng shui your home, you establish a harmonious relationship between yourself and your environment, and by incorporating feng shui principles into your bedroom, you can create an environment that enhances your sleep quality by promoting positive energy flow and relaxation. Here are twelve feng shui bedroom rules that can help you achieve better sleep.

Place Your Bed in the Commanding Position

A wooden headboard in a fengshui bedroom
Photo by Burst

One of the fundamental aspects of feng shui is the positioning of your bed. Place your bed in the “commanding position” where you can see the room’s entrance clearly. This arrangement provides security and lets you see who enters the space. Avoid placing your bed in line with the bedroom door to ensure a restful sleep. This arrangement can create restlessness and disturb your sleep. Instead, position the bed diagonally from the door, providing security and a peaceful sleep environment.

Clear Pathways

Ensure that your home has clear and unobstructed pathways. Cluttered or blocked paths can hinder the smooth flow of energy throughout your space. Keep hallways, doorways, and walkways clear to allow energy to circulate freely, promoting a sense of ease and vitality.

Incorporate Elements of Yin

A black woman laying on plush blankets
Photo by Criativa Pix Fotografa

Incorporate elements of yin energy into your bedroom to enhance relaxation. Choose soft fabrics for your bedding, invest in comfortable pillows and mattresses, and introduce plush rugs or carpets. These elements create a cozy and nurturing space, fostering a sense of calm and aiding in a restful sleep experience.

Place Things Symmetrically

Promote balance and harmony in your bedroom by placing nightstands, matching bedside lamps, pillows, and artwork on both sides of the bed. This symmetrical arrangement promotes a harmonious atmosphere and enhances the flow of positive energy in the room.

Use Plants for Fresh Air

Plants in a bedroom
Photo by Mikhail Nilob

Indoor plants add a touch of nature to your bedroom and improve air quality. Consider incorporating plants that promote relaxation, such as lavender or jasmine. Additionally, ensure your bedroom is well-ventilated by opening windows regularly, allowing fresh air to circulate. Clean air and greenery can contribute to a more peaceful and rejuvenating sleep.

Choose a Solid Headboard

Ensure your bed has a solid and supportive headboard, preferably wooden. A sturdy headboard represents stability and support, providing a sense of grounding as you sleep. This simple addition can contribute to a more restorative sleep experience.

Make Sure You Have Solid Wall Support

Position your bed with a solid wall behind it for support and stability. Avoid placing the bed directly under a window, as it can disrupt the energy flow and impact your sleep. Having a solid wall behind the bed symbolizes support in life and creates a sense of security.

Choose Calming Colors

Photo by Carlos Montelara

Choose soothing colors for your bedroom decors, such as soft blues, gentle greens, or muted earth tones. These hues promote relaxation and tranquility, setting the stage for a peaceful slumber. Consider incorporating these colors in your bedding, curtains, and wall paint to create a serene atmosphere.

Display Mindful Art and Decor

Choose artwork and decor that uplifts your spirit and resonates with positive energy. Surround yourself with images, symbols, and objects that evoke feelings of joy, tranquility, and inspiration. Avoid artwork depicting negative or stagnant subjects, as they can impact the energy of your space and affect your mood.

Utilize Proper Lighting

Photo by Max Rahubovskiy

The lighting in your bedroom plays a crucial role in your sleep quality. Opt for soft, warm lighting that mimics natural light. Harsh or bright lighting can disrupt your sleep patterns. Use flexible lighting options like dimmer switches or bedside lamps to create a cozy and relaxing ambiance.

Minimize Electronics

Keep electronic devices to a minimum in the bedroom. If possible, remove TVs, computers, and exercise equipment from the sleeping area. The electromagnetic fields emitted by these devices can interfere with your sleep and disrupt the energy balance. Create a space focused on rest and rejuvenation by keeping it free from technological distractions.

Keep a Clutter-Free Bedroom

Photo by Max Rahubovskiy

A cluttered bedroom disrupts energy flow and can adversely affect your sleep. Take the time to declutter and organize your sleeping space in order to create an environment that fosters a clear and calm mind. Eliminating excess items allows positive energy to circulate freely, encouraging a restful ambiance. Additionally you can incorporate hidden storage solutions, such as under-bed storage containers or concealed cabinets, to keep the bedroom tidy and organized.

Embracing the power of feng shui can improve your overall sleep experience. By implementing these twelve feng shui bedroom rules, you can create a harmonious resting environment that promotes positive energy flow and enhances your overall well-being. Remember that personal preferences and comfort should guide your choices, so feel free to adapt these guidelines to suit your unique needs.



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