Tips for Organizing Your Sweaters This Season - Home & Texture
Organize Organizing Sweaters

What You Need To Know About Organizing Your Sweaters This Season

December 17, 2023 at 9:00 AM PST

It’s officially sweater weather, and if you haven’t pulled out your sweaters yet for the season, you may want to start now. In addition to being stylish, these cozy pieces are essential when combating the cold. From chunky knits to elegant cashmere, each type of sweater holds a special place in our winter wardrobe. However, organizing your sweaters is crucial, not only for maintaining an orderly closet but also for preserving their quality and extending their lifespan.

couple wearing sweaters
Photo Credit: Polina Tankilevitch

Here are some tips for organizing your sweaters this season.

Sort by Material and Weight

Begin by categorizing your sweaters based on their material and thickness. Chunky knits should be kept separate from delicate fabrics like cashmere and merino wool. This sorting makes it easier to find what you need and prevents delicate sweaters from being stretched or snagged by heavier ones.

Folding vs. Hanging

It’s a common misconception that all sweaters should be hung. In reality, heavier sweaters should be folded to avoid stretching. Lighter, structured sweaters can be hung on padded hangers to maintain their shape. Remember to fold your sweaters along the seams to keep their original form.

folded sweaters
Photo Credit: Arina Krasnikova

Utilize Storage Solutions

Drawer dividers or shelf organizers are great for keeping folded sweaters in place. They make it easy to see all of your options at a glance. After winter, store your sweaters in vacuum-sealed bags to optimize closet space.

Protect from Pests

Wool and cashmere are prone to moth damage. Use natural repellents like cedar blocks or lavender sachets in your sweater storage areas to keep pests at bay. Avoid chemical mothballs, as they can leave an unpleasant smell.

Folding sweater
Photo Credit: William Fortunato

Regular Maintenance

Regularly decluttering your sweater collection ensures that you will keep what you love and wear. Addressing small repairs like loose buttons or minor holes immediately can prolong the life of your sweaters.


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