Signs Of Pink Mold and How to Get Rid of It
Cleaning Pink Mold

Signs Of Pink Mold and How to Get Rid of It

February 23, 2024 at 4:14 PM PST
Cleaning Pink Mold

Signs Of Pink Mold and How to Get Rid of It

February 23, 2024 at 4:14 PM PST

If you’ve stepped foot in your bathroom and noticed a weird-looking pink color around your shower drain, between the grout or tile of the shower or in your bathroom sink, you probably have pink mold. But, don’t be alarmed. You can get rid of it with a few simple methods and steps.

Pink mold may seem like a huge issue, but it actually isn’t as toxic as black mold. The pink slime that you see is called Serratia Marcenscens and it’s actually harmless, although it can cause some issues if you don’t get rid of it. This mold is essentially an airborne bacteria that grows best in warm and humid areas, which is why it thrives in bathrooms. The bacteria in the mold can also grow through soap residue and hard water scum.

Here’s how you can get rid of pink mold.

How to Get Rid of Pink Mold

Here's what you'll need to get rid of pink mold. Pictured: a bathroom

What You’ll Need:

  • Gloves
  • Disinfectant
  • White Vinegar
  • Warm Water
  • Dishwashing Liquid
  • Baking Soda
  • Microfiber Towel
  • Cleaning Brush
  • A Mask

To get rid of pink mold, you’ll want to start by putting on your gloves. Grab some disinfectant or make a cleaner using white vinegar and warm water. You can also make a runny paste cleaner using dishwashing liquid and baking soda. Scrub the area with your microfiber towel until the pink mold is gone. To get in between grout or tile, use a brush to scrub the area. To prevent the mold from coming back, regularly wash your shower curtain, clean your shower and bathroom once a week and use a towel to remove moisture from certain areas after showering. You can also prevent it by using the exhaust fan after showering. Wear a mask when cleaning to prevent any health issues or breathing in any mold.

Does Pink Mold Hold Any Health Risks?

Here are some health risks of pink mold. Pictured: A shower head

Pink mold can present health risks to immunocompromised individuals. It can cause pneumonia, respiratory issues, intestinal issues and UTI infections. While it’s rare to see pink mold cause health issues, it should be treated ASAP to prevent or worsen any issues.



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