6 Spring Cleaning Tips You Need To Know - Home & Texture
Cleaning Spring Cleaning Tips

6 Tips That Will Make Your Spring Cleaning a Breeze

It's time to tackle that deep clean you've been putting off.

March 27, 2024 at 4:49 PM PST
Cleaning Spring Cleaning Tips

6 Tips That Will Make Your Spring Cleaning a Breeze

It's time to tackle that deep clean you've been putting off.

March 27, 2024 at 4:49 PM PST

Spring is the time of the year when you feel the seasonal depression leaving your body and optimism settling in for the brighter days ahead. It’s not just the colorful tulips blooming and the birds chirping that signal the start of something new; it’s also the perfect time to tackle that deep clean you’ve been putting off. Yes, we’re talking about the annual spring cleaning. With the right strategy, you can transform your home into a clutter-free space. Here are some tips to make your spring cleaning a breeze.

spring cleaning
Photo Credit: RDNE Stock Project

Get prepared.

Before getting into the nitty-gritty, make a game plan. A detailed checklist helps to ensure you don’t overlook anything, and it’s a great way to track your progress. Next, get all of the cleaning supplies you’ll need.

spring cleaning
Photo Credit: Precious Plastic Melbourne

Adopt a room-by-room strategy.

When it comes to spring cleaning, a room-by-room strategy is key. Start with areas that require the most work or the ones you use the most, like the kitchen and the bathroom. Make sure to declutter and clean surfaces.

Embrace decluttering and minimalism.

It’s time to channel your inner Marie Kondo—if it doesn’t “spark joy,” then you should say goodbye. Decluttering is the perfect opportunity to reinvent your space. Floating shelves, under-bed storage, and multi-functional furniture are practical and add a modern touch to your decor.

decluttering home
Photo Credit: William Fortunato

Focus on often-overlooked areas.

We all have them—those spots that somehow never get cleaned. Whether behind the fridge or under the sofa, make sure that these areas aren’t neglected this time around. While you’re at it, clean your windows to let in all the natural sunlight.

Go eco-friendly.

In today’s world, being environmentally conscious is more important than ever. Opt for natural cleaning solutions like vinegar and baking soda for a chemical-free clean.

Keep it up.

Once your spring cleaning is complete, don’t let all of your hard work go to waste. Implement a regular cleaning schedule to keep your home looking and feeling fresh year-round.



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