8 Ways To Make Your Backyard Look More Expensive - Home & Texture
Outdoors Expensive Backyard Tips

8 Ways To Make Your Backyard Look More Expensive

Create an outdoor oasis without breaking the bank.

June 20, 2024 at 4:57 PM PST
Outdoors Expensive Backyard Tips

8 Ways To Make Your Backyard Look More Expensive

Create an outdoor oasis without breaking the bank.

June 20, 2024 at 4:57 PM PST

There’s something about stepping into an impeccably designed backyard that instantly elevates your spirits. They can make barbecues that much more fun and hanging out even more relaxing. You might be thinking that making your backyard look expensive sounds . . . well, expensive. But, with a little creativity and a good eye for detail, you can make your backyard an impressive space.

1. Lush Landscaping

Imagine walking through a garden that feels like a botanical wonderland—this is something you can create at home, and it’s easier than you might think! Start with the basics: greenery. Layered landscaping is the key to achieving that luxe look. Mix and match different heights and textures: tall, swaying grasses, vibrant perennials, and low-growing ground cover. The variety helps create visual interest, and it also gives a sense of abundance and care.

Pro tip: Even if you’re working with a smaller space, vertical gardening is a great avenue. Use trellises, hanging pots, and wall-mounted planters to add depth and greenery without eating up precious ground space.

Photo credit: Thomas Barwick

2. Statement Seating

Let’s face it: those plastic lawn chairs you’ve had since forever aren’t cutting it anymore, nor are they comfortable. To elevate your backyard, invest in a few key pieces of statement furniture—preferably seating so you and your guests can hang out comfortably. Think of it like this: your backyard is an extension of your living room. You wouldn’t put a flimsy, uncomfortable chair in there, so why do it outside? Think outdoor sofas with plush cushions, elegant dining sets, and inviting chaise lounges.

And here’s a little secret: you don’t need to buy the most expensive pieces. Look for end-of-season sales, thrift stores, or even DIY projects. A fresh coat of weather-resistant paint or new cushions can make old furniture feel new and nice.

3. Lighting Magic

Lighting helps elevate any space, and you’re probably familiar with string lights, solar-powered lights and torches. But for a real showstopper, consider installing a statement light fixture like a chandelier or lantern in your covered patio or pergola. It’s a small detail that packs a big punch, instantly elevating the overall feel of your backyard.

4. Outdoor Rugs

An outdoor rug can add that “outdoor living space vibe” with splashes of color and unique designs. Place a patterned or textured rug under your seating area to create a cozy spot that rivals any indoor living room. Just make sure it’s made from durable, weather-resistant materials so it can power through the elements and still look great.

Photo credit: Thomas Barwick

5. A Chic Fire Pit

A fire pit is not just a source of warmth; it’s a focal point that encourages gatherings and good times. A fire pit is a hub to gather around for good times. A sleek, modern design paired with comfortable seating can instantly elevate your backyard’s appeal. Imagine roasting marshmallows under the stars or sharing stories with friends around a crackling fire.

6. The Power of a Pergola

If you really want to go the extra mile, consider adding a pergola. This elegant structure can serve as a focal point, provide shade, and create a sense of enclosure and intimacy. Drape it with climbing plants or sheer curtains for added drama and luxury. Even a simple, freestanding pergola can make your backyard feel like a high-end retreat.

7. Keep It Clean and Tidy

Last but not least, the simplest way to make your backyard look expensive is to keep it clean and well-maintained. Regularly mow the lawn, trim the hedges, and pick up any clutter. A well-kept space always looks more luxurious than a neglected one.

8. Artful Fencing

Fencing is often overlooked, but it can play a significant role in your backyard’s overall look. Instead of sticking with a basic fence, consider something more stylish. A wooden fence with horizontal planks, a decorative metal fence, or even a living fence made of hedges can add an upscale element and privacy to your space. Even just adding a coat of stain or paint can refresh an existing fence and give it a high-end feel.



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