8 Items That Don't Belong Under the Bed - Home & Texture
Bedroom Storage Don’ts

8 Things You Should Never Store Under Your Bed

Keep your belongings safe and your bedroom clutter-free.

July 24, 2024 at 11:27 PM PST
Bedroom Storage Don’ts

8 Things You Should Never Store Under Your Bed

Keep your belongings safe and your bedroom clutter-free.

July 24, 2024 at 11:27 PM PST

Space can sometimes be a luxury in your home, so getting creative is a must. Under-the-bed storage seems like the perfect solution for stashing away those odds and ends. However, before you start sliding boxes and bins into that handy spot, a few things should never find their way under your bed.

couple jumping on bed
Photo Credit: Getty Images

Paperwork and Important Files

What if you’re in a rush to find your birth certificate or your social security card, but it’s buried under layers of sweaters, old shoes, and who knows what else under your bed? Important documents should be kept in a safe, easily accessible place—ideally, a fireproof safe or a dedicated file cabinet. This helps protect them from dust and damage and saves you from the heart attack of thinking you’ve lost them for good.

Heirlooms and Antique Items

That antique jewelry box from your great-grandmother or the delicate porcelain figurine your aunt gave you might seem safe tucked away under your bed but think again. These cherished items deserve a place of honor, not a dark corner where they can be forgotten or accidentally damaged if you shove boxes or other large, heavy items under your bed.

Out-of-Season Clothing

While storing your winter coats and summer swimsuits under the bed might be tempting, this could invite a parade of dust bunnies and the dreaded moths into your life. Fabrics stored in a cool, dark place can become breeding grounds for these tiny pests. Instead, store your out-of-season clothing in vacuum-sealed bags or dedicated storage bins to keep them tucked away.


Got an old laptop, a tangled mess of chargers, or maybe an outdated gaming console? Shoving them under the bed is not the answer. Dust, humidity, and accidental kicks can wreak havoc on electronics. Store your gadgets in a dry, organized space—preferably with a dust cover or in a storage drawer designed for tech.

Photo Credit: Heyho


Medications should always be stored in a cool, dry place, out of reach of children and pets—but under the bed is a no-go. Not only can it be difficult to keep track of them, but they might also be exposed to moisture or accidental spills. Keep your medications in a bathroom cabinet or a dedicated drawer in your kitchen.

Heavy Items

Storing heavy items like free weights, large toolboxes, or even stacks of books under your bed is a recipe for disaster. You risk back strain every time you pull them out, and you could also damage the bed frame or flooring by dragging your heavy items. Find a more suitable spot, like a dedicated storage area or a sturdy shelf.

Perishable Goods

This might seem like common sense, but you’d be surprised. Storing food under your bed is like inviting pests and unpleasant odors to visit. Keep all perishable items in your kitchen or pantry where they belong. If you need extra snack storage in your bedroom, keep them in a sealed container on a shelf.

Off-Season Sports Gear

That hockey stick, tennis racket, or pair of ice skates may seem harmless under the bed, but they can be cumbersome and prone to collecting dust and grime. Store sports gear in a garage, closet, or dedicated sports rack.

Cords and Cables

Cords and cables seem to have a life of their own, tangling themselves into impossible knots. Storing them under your bed just adds to the chaos. Instead, invest in cord organizers or dedicated cable storage solutions. This keeps them untangled and ready to use and prevents you from tripping over them in the middle of the night.



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