Why You Need a Hidden Kitchen in Your Home - Home & Texture
Kitchen Hidden Kitchen

What Is a "Hidden Kitchen" and Do You Need One?

August 17, 2023 at 5:09 PM PST
Kitchen Hidden Kitchen

What Is a "Hidden Kitchen" and Do You Need One?

August 17, 2023 at 5:09 PM PST

Minimalist aesthetics and sleek designs are popular among homeowners today. As millennial homeowners value functionality and style, concepts like the “hidden kitchen” have become buzzwords. But what exactly is a hidden kitchen, and how can you integrate it into your home?

At its core, a hidden kitchen is a design approach where kitchen elements like appliances, storage, and work surfaces are concealed or built into cabinetry so that they’re either completely hidden or subtly blended into the overall decor. This results in a clean, minimalist look, where the kitchen effortlessly blends with the living space.

Ayesha Selden House Tours
Photo Credit: Nina Menconi

You can find a stunning example of a hidden kitchen in the first episode of Home & Textures House Tours season two. Art collector Ayesha Selden’s Los Angeles abode features a hidden kitchen that left us in awe.

Benefits of a Hidden Kitchen

Streamlined Aesthetics

The allure of a hidden kitchen is its ability to deliver a seamless look. By eliminating prominent appliances or storage solutions from breaking the visual flow, living spaces appear more open, larger, and modern.

hidden kitchen
Photo Credit: Rene Asmussen

Functional Concealment

Beyond aesthetics, the hidden kitchen is perfect for homeowners who want to keep their cooking preparation out of sign. This is especially great when hosting guests. You can prepare in advance, and your guests will walk into a pristine space.

Space Optimization

Hidden kitchens are the ideal way to maximize every inch of your kitchen. You can design custom cabinetry to fit the unique dimensions of your home to ensure that there is no space wasted.

hidden kitchen
Photo Credit: Max Rahubovskiy

How To Achieve the Hidden Kitchen Look

If you’re looking to embrace the hidden kitchen look, here are some steps to consider:

Custom Cabinetry

Opt for cabinetry that reaches the ceilings. This maximizes storage. Select cabinets with integrated handles or push-to-open mechanisms, as this provides a smoother look.

Integrated Appliances

Look for appliances that can be built into cabinetry. You can also look for appliances like refrigerators, dishwashers, and ovens that come with panels to match your cabinet design.

hidden kitchen
Photo Credit: Pixabay

Pop-up Outlets

Instead of having outlets disrupt your backsplash, install pop-up outlets that can be pushed down when not in use.

Hidden Prep Areas

Features like pull-out countertops or retractable doors are great for concealing a prep area or smaller appliances like coffee makers and toasters.



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