Check Out This Modern Take on '70s Interior Design - Home & Texture
Decorate Vintage Interior Design

'70s and '80s Interior Design Is Having a Moment in Modern Homes

August 7, 2023 at 2:38 PM PST
Decorate Vintage Interior Design

'70s and '80s Interior Design Is Having a Moment in Modern Homes

August 7, 2023 at 2:38 PM PST

Trends come and go, but one thing is for sure: they’ll always come back around. We’re currently seeing this with the resurgence of the ’70s and ‘80s interior design within the walls of contemporary homes. These vibrant decades are known for their distinctive flair and that style is coming back in a big way in the world of interior design. Modern spaces being infused with nostalgia and charm and it’s truly a breath of fresh air.

Interior design’s return to the ‘70s and ‘80s is a celebration of an era that embraced individuality and challenged norms.

Here’s how these groovy eras are influencing today’s homes:

Bold Colors and Patterns

The ‘70s are known for their daring color palettes and bold patterns. From intricate geometric prints to shades of yellow and green, these designs and shades are now being utilized in contemporary homes through accent walls, upholstery, and kitchen appliances.

bold color kitchen
Photo Credit: Max Rahubovskiy

Terrazzo Flooring

Terrazzo flooring, loved for its speckled appearance, is making a huge comeback in the contemporary interior design realm. Its durability and timeless style make it a popular choice for modern homeowners.

Macramé and Textured Fabrics

Macramé wall hangings are an essential part of ‘70s decor. They’re now gracing the walls of contemporary living rooms. You can pair these wall hangings with textured fabrics like velvet and corduroy to create an eclectic aesthetic reminiscent of the ’70s.

macrame wall hanging
Photo Credit: Cole Keister

Open Floor Plans and Sunken Living Rooms

Open floor concepts and sunken living rooms were an extremely popular design trend in the ‘70s. They’re now making a resurgence — offering homeowners spacious, communal living areas that foster creativity and connection. These design elements are great for encouraging family gatherings and being social.

Retro Appliances and Fixtures

The staples of the ‘70s and ‘80s are being reintroduced in contemporary kitchens and living spaces. Items like Smeg refrigerators, rotary phones, and brass fixtures have become all the rage. They add a touch of retro elegance and charm to modern interiors.

Smeg kettle in kitchen
Photo Credit: Ready Made

Natural Materials and House Plants

Millennials aren’t the ones who started the house plant craze. They were a popular addition to homes in the ’70s. Connecting with nature while at home is a trend from the past that is now popular again. This looks like adding rattan furniture, wood accents, and houseplants to your home to promote well-being and sustainability.

Statement Lighting

From arc floor lamps to Sputnik chandeliers, these 70’s and 80’s lighting designs are a popular lighting addition to contemporary spaces. They’re great for adding character to minimalist space.


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